mailerlite vs convertkit mailerlite vs convertkit

Mailerlite vs ConvertKit: The Definitive Victory Comparison (2024)

Introduction for Mailerlite vs ConvertKit

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, choosing the right tools can significantly impact your ability to connect with your audience and grow your business. Among the plethora of options available, email marketing platforms stand out as essential components for effective communication strategies.

This brings us to an important comparison: Mailerlite vs ConvertKit. Both platforms are renowned for their robust features, user-friendly interfaces, and the ability to drive meaningful engagement. However, deciding which tool is the best fit for your specific needs can be a daunting task.

See our comparison of all the different mailing tools here.

mailerlite vs convertkit

Ease of Use

When comparing Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, ease of use emerges as a crucial factor for many marketers and business owners.

Both platforms strive to offer a user-friendly experience, but they do so in slightly different ways that may appeal to different users based on their preferences and technical expertise.

Mailerlite vs ConvertKit:

Mailerlite: User-Friendly for Beginners and Beyond Mailerlite is renowned for its straightforward and intuitive interface, making it an excellent choice for beginners. The platform offers a drag-and-drop email editor that simplifies the creation of beautiful emails without needing to know any coding.

This approach allows users to easily customize templates, add content, and create engaging emails quickly. The overall design of the Mailerlite dashboard is clean and uncluttered, providing quick access to essential features and making navigation a breeze. This is also why Mailerlite is so powerful as a tool.

ConvertKit: Simplified for Creators ConvertKit, on the other hand, emphasizes simplicity and functionality, catering especially to bloggers, creators, and small businesses. While it may not offer as wide a range of templates as Mailerlite, ConvertKit focuses on delivering a seamless experience for users who prioritize content over design.

Its editor is straightforward, promoting the efficient creation of text-focused emails that resonate with the audience. ConvertKit also simplifies the automation process, making it easy to set up complex email sequences that enhance subscriber engagement.

mailerlite vs convertkit

Comparison Highlights:

  • Drag-and-Drop Editors: Both platforms offer drag-and-drop functionality, but Mailerlite provides a more extensive template library and design customization options.
  • Dashboard and Navigation: Mailerlite boasts a more visually intuitive dashboard, while ConvertKit offers a minimalistic interface that focuses on functionality and ease of use for content creators.
  • Automation and Segmentation: ConvertKit simplifies the automation and segmentation process, potentially offering a slight edge for users looking to implement sophisticated email marketing strategies without complexity.

In conclusion, the ease of use in Mailerlite vs ConvertKit boils down to what you prioritize in your email marketing tool. Mailerlite offers a more visually intuitive and design-focused experience, making it ideal for those who value customization and aesthetics.

ConvertKit, however, stands out for creators and marketers who prefer a straightforward, content-first approach, offering efficient tools to manage and grow their audience.

Pricing and Plans

In the debate of Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, understanding the pricing and plans offered by each platform is essential for marketers aiming to maximize their investment in email marketing tools. Both platforms provide a range of pricing options designed to accommodate the needs of various businesses sizes, from startups to established enterprises.

Mailerlite: Affordable and Scalable Mailerlite is celebrated for its affordability, particularly appealing to small businesses and startups. The platform offers a free plan for up to 1,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month, making it an attractive option for those just starting out.

As your subscriber list grows, Mailerlite’s pricing scales accordingly, with several tiers based on the number of subscribers, all of which include unlimited emails. This straightforward approach ensures that businesses only pay more as their email marketing efforts and audience size expand.

mailerlite vs convertkit

ConvertKit: Creator-Focused Pricing ConvertKit, while generally perceived as a pricier option, justifies its costs with features tailored specifically for creators and online entrepreneurs. It also offers a free plan for up to 1,000 subscribers, but with limited features.

ConvertKit’s paid plans start from a higher price point than Mailerlite but include unlimited emails and access to advanced automation, segmentation capabilities, and premium support. The platform’s pricing is designed to support creators at various stages of their journey, with the cost increasing as the subscriber count grows.

mailerlite vs convertkit

Comparison Highlights:

  • Free Plans: Both platforms offer free plans, but it’s essential to compare the features available within these tiers.
  • Paid Plans: Understanding the feature set and scalability of paid plans can help users determine which platform offers the best value for their specific needs.
  • Additional Costs: Note any potential additional costs, such as for premium features or exceeding subscriber limits.

Email Design and Templates

In evaluating Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, the aspect of email design and templates is pivotal for marketers who prioritize engagement and aesthetics in their email campaigns. Both platforms offer solutions to create visually appealing emails, but their approaches and offerings differ, catering to varied user preferences and needs.

Mailerlite: Rich in Design Flexibility Mailerlite shines when it comes to email design and templates, offering a broad selection of professionally designed, responsive templates that cater to various industries and purposes.

The platform’s strength lies in its drag-and-drop editor, which allows even those with no coding knowledge to customize templates with ease. Users can add images, videos, and custom elements to their emails, making each campaign uniquely tailored to their brand and message. Mailerlite continuously updates its template library, ensuring modern and fresh designs are always available.

ConvertKit: Simplified Design for Creators ConvertKit takes a more streamlined approach to email design, focusing on simplicity and content rather than elaborate layouts. The platform offers a smaller selection of templates, emphasizing clean, text-focused designs that facilitate direct and personal communication with the audience.

This approach aligns with ConvertKit’s focus on bloggers, creators, and businesses that prefer content over complex design to connect with their subscribers. The simplicity of ConvertKit’s email editor supports quick modifications and a focus on the message, although it might limit those looking to create more visually intricate emails.

Mailerlite vs ConvertKit Comparison Highlights:

  • Template Variety: Mailerlite offers a wider variety of templates compared to ConvertKit, catering to users who seek design versatility.
  • Customization Tools: Mailerlite’s drag-and-drop editor provides extensive customization options, whereas ConvertKit offers simplicity and efficiency with a more straightforward editor.
  • Design Focus: While Mailerlite appeals to users looking for design-rich emails, ConvertKit is ideal for those who prioritize content and simplicity in their email communications.

Automation and Segmentation Capabilities

In the realm of email marketing, the capabilities for automation and segmentation are critical features that can significantly impact the effectiveness of your campaigns. When comparing Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, it’s essential to delve into how each platform facilitates these aspects, allowing for personalized and efficient communication with your audience.

Mailerlite vs ConvertKit: Intuitive Automation with Advanced Segmentation Mailerlite offers a user-friendly approach to automation, enabling users to create complex email sequences triggered by specific subscriber actions or behaviors.

mailerlite vs convertkit

Its visual automation builder is both intuitive and powerful, allowing for the design of detailed workflows that can include conditional splits, time delays, and more. The comparison between Mailerlite vs ConvertKit highlights the importance of user-friendly automation tools in today’s email marketing landscape.

Segmentation in Mailerlite is equally robust, with options to segment your audience based on a wide range of criteria such as demographics, behavior, and engagement levels. This level of detail ensures that you can tailor your messaging to suit the specific needs and interests of different subscriber segments, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of your campaigns.

When considering Mailerlite vs ConvertKit for segmentation capabilities, Mailerlite’s advanced options provide a strong foundation for personalized marketing efforts.

mailerlite vs convertkit

Mailerlite vs ConvertKit: Streamlined Automation Tailored for Creators ConvertKit’s automation features, on the other hand, are designed with creators in mind, offering a streamlined process for setting up automated email sequences and funnels.

The platform emphasizes ease of use, with a focus on simplicity to ensure that even users with limited technical expertise can effectively automate their email marketing efforts. This aspect of the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison shows how each platform caters to different user needs and preferences.

Segmentation in ConvertKit is straightforward yet powerful, with the platform offering “tags” and “segments” to categorize subscribers based on their actions, interests, and interactions with your content. This allows for highly targeted campaigns that speak directly to the needs of your audience, fostering a deeper connection and driving engagement.

In the context of Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, ConvertKit’s approach to segmentation is particularly beneficial for creators looking to engage a dedicated audience.

In summary, the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison in terms of automation and segmentation reveals two platforms designed to meet the specific needs of their users.

Whether you lean towards the comprehensive and intuitive features of Mailerlite or the streamlined and creator-focused capabilities of ConvertKit, both platforms offer powerful tools to enhance your email marketing campaigns through effective automation and targeted segmentation.

Comparison Highlights:

  • Automation Tools: Both Mailerlite and ConvertKit provide comprehensive automation tools, but Mailerlite’s visual automation builder may appeal more to users who prefer a graphical interface.
  • Segmentation Options: Mailerlite offers extensive segmentation capabilities, while ConvertKit’s tag-based system provides a flexible yet straightforward way to manage and target subscribers.

Integrations and Add-ons

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, the ability of your email marketing tool to seamlessly integrate with other platforms and services can significantly enhance its utility and effectiveness.

When diving into the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit debate, it’s crucial to examine their capabilities regarding integrations and add-ons, as these features can notably expand your marketing toolbox and streamline your workflow.

Mailerlite vs ConvertKit: Broad Spectrum of Integrations Mailerlite impresses with its wide array of integration options, designed to connect with a variety of third-party applications and services. From e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce to CRM systems such as Salesforce and Zoho, Mailerlite ensures that users can easily sync their email marketing efforts with other critical business tools.

This aspect of the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison shows Mailerlite’s commitment to versatility and adaptability in the marketing ecosystem.

Additionally, within the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit examination, Mailerlite offers integrations with popular website builders, social media platforms, and even lead capture tools, making it a versatile choice for businesses looking to automate and enhance their marketing ecosystem.

This wide-ranging integration capability positions Mailerlite as a strong contender in the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison for businesses seeking comprehensive marketing solutions.

Mailerlite vs ConvertKit: Focused Integrations for Creators ConvertKit, while offering a more curated list of integrations, focuses on providing seamless connections with tools specifically beneficial to creators, bloggers, and online entrepreneurs.

This strategy in the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit matchup underscores ConvertKit’s dedication to the creator economy, offering targeted solutions that cater directly to their unique needs.

This includes integrations with platforms like Patreon, Gumroad, and Teachable, emphasizing the importance of supporting the creator economy. The Mailerlite vs ConvertKit discussion highlights ConvertKit’s effort to ensure that users can maintain a cohesive workflow between their content creation, product sales, and email marketing strategies.

In the context of Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, ConvertKit’s approach to integrations is particularly beneficial for creators looking to streamline their operational processes.

In summary, the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison reveals two platforms designed with different user bases in mind: Mailerlite as a versatile tool with broad integration capabilities suitable for a wide range of businesses, and ConvertKit as a specialized solution for creators seeking to integrate their email marketing with other creator-centric platforms.

Choosing between Mailerlite and ConvertKit will depend on your specific needs, the tools you use, and how you plan to engage with your audience through integrated marketing strategies.

Comparison Highlights:

  • Range of Integrations: Mailerlite offers a broader range of integrations across various categories, while ConvertKit focuses on integrations that cater specifically to creators and online businesses.
  • Ease of Integration: Both platforms strive to make the integration process as straightforward as possible, with plug-and-play solutions and minimal setup required.

Deliverability Rates

When selecting an email marketing platform, one of the most crucial factors to consider is the deliverability rate—the percentage of emails that successfully reach your subscribers’ inboxes. High deliverability rates are essential for the effectiveness of your email campaigns, impacting everything from engagement to conversions.

In the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison, understanding how each platform ensures high deliverability rates is key to making an informed decision.

Mailerlite: Committed to High Deliverability Mailerlite takes deliverability seriously, implementing several best practices to maintain and improve its rates. The platform uses sophisticated algorithms to monitor sending behaviors, manage bounces, and prevent spam.

This focus on deliverability is a critical aspect of the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit debate, showcasing Mailerlite’s commitment to ensuring emails reach their intended destination.

Mailerlite also provides users with detailed guidelines on how to optimize their email content and settings for better deliverability, including advice on avoiding spam filters, maintaining a healthy subscriber list, and properly authenticating their domain.

Additionally, Mailerlite’s support team is available to assist with any deliverability concerns, ensuring users have the resources needed to maximize their email success. This level of support and guidance is a notable advantage in the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison.

ConvertKit: Focused on Creator Success ConvertKit also boasts impressive deliverability rates, with a strong emphasis on supporting creators in reaching their audience effectively. The platform ensures deliverability through rigorous list management practices, encouraging users to maintain engaged subscriber lists and clean up inactive contacts regularly.

This approach to deliverability is a key point in the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison, highlighting ConvertKit’s dedication to helping creators optimize their email performance.

ConvertKit offers easy-to-follow best practices for email content and list hygiene, as well as technical support for domain authentication and SPF/DKIM records. By focusing on the quality of contacts and engagement, ConvertKit helps creators optimize their email performance and maintain high deliverability rates.

The emphasis on creator success and email performance optimization is a significant factor in the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit discussion, underlining ConvertKit’s tailored approach to email marketing.

Comparison Highlights:

  • Best Practices and Guidelines: Both Mailerlite and ConvertKit provide comprehensive resources and support to help users improve their email deliverability.
  • List Management: The emphasis on maintaining a clean and engaged list is a common strategy shared by both platforms to enhance deliverability.

Reporting and Analytics

In the competitive landscape of email marketing tools, the comparison between Mailerlite vs ConvertKit particularly stands out when it comes to reporting and analytics capabilities. Understanding the strengths and offerings of each platform can significantly impact your decision-making process, especially if you’re keen on optimizing your email marketing strategies based on data-driven insights.

Mailerlite vs ConvertKit: In-depth Analytics vs. Streamlined Insights Mailerlite offers a comprehensive analytics suite that caters to marketers looking for an in-depth analysis of their email campaigns. With Mailerlite, users gain access to a wide range of metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribe rates, and more, all presented through an intuitive and visually appealing reporting interface.

This makes it easier for users to digest complex data and understand the impact of their email marketing efforts. Additionally, Mailerlite provides advanced features like website conversion tracking, enabling users to see how effectively their emails are driving desired actions on their site.

On the other side of the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison, ConvertKit offers a more streamlined approach to analytics, focusing on delivering the key metrics that matter most to creators, bloggers, and small businesses.

ConvertKit simplifies the process of tracking subscriber engagement by providing clear insights into open rates, click rates, and subscriber growth. This focus on essential data points ensures that users can quickly assess their campaign’s performance and make timely adjustments without getting bogged down by overly complex reports.

Key Differences in Reporting and Analytics:

  • Range of Metrics: The Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison reveals that Mailerlite offers a broader array of analytics and visualization tools, catering to users who prefer detailed reports.
  • User Experience: ConvertKit prioritizes ease of use in its analytics, appealing to users who value straightforward, actionable insights over comprehensive data analysis.
  • Conversion Tracking: A notable advantage of Mailerlite in the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit debate is its capability to track website conversions directly from email campaigns, offering valuable insights for users focused on driving specific outcomes through their marketing efforts.

Customer Support and Resources

In the comparison of Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, the quality of customer support and the availability of educational resources play a significant role in enhancing user experience and platform usability. Both platforms understand the importance of support and strive to provide their users with the tools and knowledge needed to succeed in their email marketing endeavors.

Mailerlite: Comprehensive Support and Extensive Learning Materials

Mailerlite is known for its exceptional customer support and comprehensive knowledge base. Users can access a wide variety of resources, including detailed guides, video tutorials, and webinars that cover everything from basic setup to advanced email marketing strategies.

The platform offers 24/7 support through email and live chat, ensuring that help is readily available whenever needed. This commitment to user education and support is a standout feature in the Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison, particularly beneficial for beginners and those looking to deepen their email marketing knowledge.

ConvertKit: Targeted Support Tailored for Creators ConvertKit also places a high emphasis on customer support, with a focus on meeting the unique needs of creators and entrepreneurs. The platform provides direct access to a knowledgeable support team via email and live chat, along with a creator-focused knowledge base filled with articles, tutorials, and resources designed to help users grow their audience and monetize their craft.

ConvertKit’s support system is structured to provide fast and effective assistance, ensuring that creators can focus on what they do best.

Key Differences in Customer Support and Resources:

  • Resource Variety: The Mailerlite vs ConvertKit comparison highlights Mailerlite’s broader range of educational materials, catering to a wide audience, whereas ConvertKit offers resources specifically tailored to the needs of online creators.
  • Support Accessibility: Both platforms offer reliable customer support options, but the focus and approach to user education and assistance differ, reflecting their target user bases.

Unique Features

When evaluating Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, it’s essential to consider the unique features that each platform offers. These distinct capabilities can significantly influence your decision, depending on your specific email marketing needs and goals.

Both platforms bring something special to the table, setting them apart not just from each other but also from other tools in the market.


Mailerlite: Unique Blend of Simplicity and Power One of Mailerlite’s standout features is its website and landing page builder, which allows users to create beautiful, conversion-focused websites and landing pages directly within the platform.

This integration is particularly useful for small businesses and solopreneurs looking to maintain a cohesive online presence without the need for separate website hosting services. Additionally, Mailerlite offers a rich text editor for crafting emails that feel personal and engaging, mimicking the simplicity of writing a direct message to a friend or subscriber.


ConvertKit: Tailored for the Creator Economy ConvertKit distinguishes itself with features specifically designed to support creators. Its commerce tool stands out, enabling creators to sell digital products and subscriptions directly through the platform.

This seamless integration of email marketing and e-commerce functionality makes ConvertKit a powerful tool for creators looking to monetize their audience without complex third-party systems.

Furthermore, ConvertKit’s “broadcast” feature allows for easy segmentation and targeting when sending one-time emails, ensuring that the right message reaches the right segment of your audience at the right time.

Key Differences in Unique Features:

  • Website and Landing Page Builder: Mailerlite’s integrated builder offers a significant advantage for users seeking an all-in-one solution for their online marketing needs.
  • E-commerce for Creators: ConvertKit’s built-in commerce features provide a streamlined pathway for creators to monetize their content and subscriptions directly.

Pros and Cons

In the debate of Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, weighing the pros and cons of each platform can provide valuable insights to help you decide which service best suits your email marketing needs. Both platforms offer unique advantages and some limitations, tailored to different types of users and objectives.

Mailerlite: Pros and Cons


  • Affordability: Mailerlite is often praised for its competitive pricing, making it an attractive option for small businesses and startups operating on a tight budget.
  • Ease of Use: With its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop editor, Mailerlite is user-friendly, even for those with little to no email marketing experience.
  • Comprehensive Features: Beyond basic email campaigns, Mailerlite includes advanced features like automation, landing pages, and a website builder, providing an all-in-one marketing solution.
  • Robust Support and Resources: Offers extensive support through live chat and email, complemented by a wealth of tutorials, guides, and webinars.


  • Limited Integrations: While Mailerlite offers several integrations, its library is not as extensive as some competitors, potentially limiting for users relying on a wide range of third-party tools.
  • Simpler Analytics: Its analytics are straightforward and useful but may lack the depth required by advanced marketers looking to dive deep into data analysis.

ConvertKit: Pros and Cons


  • Creator-Focused Features: ConvertKit excels in providing tools specifically designed for bloggers, creators, and online entrepreneurs, such as commerce capabilities and targeted segmentation.
  • High Deliverability Rates: Known for its strong deliverability, ensuring emails reach subscribers’ inboxes effectively.
  • Simplified User Experience: Offers a clean and straightforward interface, emphasizing content over complex design, which is particularly appealing to creators focused on direct communication.
  • Powerful Automation: ConvertKit’s automation features are both powerful and easy to use, allowing for sophisticated subscriber engagement without requiring technical expertise.


  • Pricing: Compared to Mailerlite, ConvertKit tends to be on the pricier side, especially as your subscriber list grows, which might deter smaller businesses or those just starting.
  • Limited Design Options: The focus on simplicity means fewer design templates and customization options, which might not satisfy users looking for visually intricate email designs.


In concluding our comparison of Mailerlite vs ConvertKit, it’s clear that both platforms offer robust email marketing solutions, each with its unique strengths tailored to different user needs.

Your final choice between Mailerlite and ConvertKit should hinge on your specific marketing objectives, budget constraints, and the type of audience you aim to engage.


Mailerlite stands out as an incredibly user-friendly and cost-effective option, making it ideal for small businesses, startups, and those new to email marketing.

Its comprehensive set of features, including advanced automation, landing pages, and a website builder, provides a versatile toolset for marketers looking to expand their online presence without breaking the bank.


ConvertKit, on the other hand, offers a streamlined experience designed with creators in mind. Its focus on simplicity, combined with powerful automation and segmentation tools, makes it a compelling choice for bloggers, artists, and entrepreneurs looking to build a direct and meaningful relationship with their audience.

The platform’s commerce features further enhance its appeal by enabling creators to easily monetize their content and subscriber base.

Contact us if you want any more information about these tools.

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