getresponse vs clickfunnels getresponse vs clickfunnels

GetResponse vs ClickFunnels: Best for Business In 2024?

In today’s digital marketplace, the tools you choose to grow your online business can significantly impact your success.

Two of the leading platforms that many entrepreneurs and marketers consider are GetResponse and ClickFunnels.

This comparison, GetResponse vs ClickFunnels, aims to shed light on the features, benefits, and limitations of each platform to help you make an informed decision.

Brief Overview of GetResponse vs ClickFunnels

GetResponse is primarily known for its robust email marketing solutions but has evolved to offer an all-in-one platform that includes webinars, landing pages, and marketing automation.

It is designed to help businesses grow their audience, engage with customers, and drive sales through effective email campaigns and automation workflows.

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, focuses on creating high-converting sales funnels that guide potential customers through a series of steps toward final purchase.

getresponse vs clickfunnels

It offers an integrated suite of tools for building landing pages and membership sites and managing the entire sales process without needing any coding knowledge.

Importance of Choosing the Right Platform

Selecting the right platform between GetResponse vs ClickFunnels is crucial for the efficiency, growth, and scalability of your online business.

Your choice should align with your business goals, the type of audience you’re targeting, and the marketing strategies you plan to implement.

Whether you prioritize email marketing and automation or you are more focused on creating sales funnels and converting leads, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each platform will empower you to make a choice that best suits your business needs.

Ease of Use

User Interface Comparison

In the debate of GetResponse vs ClickFunnels, the user interface (UI) plays a significant role in determining how quickly users can adapt and utilize the platform’s features.

GetResponse offers a clean and intuitive interface, with logically organized menus and a dashboard that provides a quick overview of your campaigns and performance metrics.

It’s designed with the user in mind, making navigation straightforward for both seasoned marketers and beginners.

ClickFunnels, while also user-friendly, emphasizes a more visual approach to funnel creation. Its drag-and-drop editor allows users to easily construct sales funnels by moving elements around the page.

This can be particularly appealing for visual learners and those who prefer a hands-on approach to building their marketing funnels.

However, the richness of features and options available might be overwhelming for some new users at first glance.

Learning Curve for Beginners

The learning curve is an essential aspect to consider when comparing GetResponse vs ClickFunnels.

GetResponse, with its wide array of features beyond email marketing, such as automation, landing pages, and webinars, may require a slight learning curve.

However, it compensates for this with extensive resources, tutorials, and customer support to help users get up to speed.

ClickFunnels, focusing primarily on sales funnels and landing pages, also involves a learning curve, particularly for those who have never created a sales funnel before.

However, it offers numerous pre-built templates and a supportive community that can help shorten the learning process.

Plus, ClickFunnels provides educational materials, like the ClickFunnels Academy, to guide users through the process of creating effective sales funnels.

Email Marketing Capabilities

Autoresponders, Broadcast Emails, and Segmentation

GetResponse is well-known for its comprehensive email marketing solutions. It offers advanced autoresponders that allow you to send a series of emails automatically based on specific triggers and behaviors.

This is ideal for nurturing leads and ensuring timely follow-up.

Additionally, GetResponse provides options for broadcast emails, enabling you to send one-time messages to your entire list or specific segments.

Segmentation is another area where GetResponse shines. You can segment your contacts based on their actions, preferences, and data you’ve collected, allowing for highly targeted and personalized email campaigns.

This level of customization helps in increasing engagement rates and improving the overall effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

On the other hand, ClickFunnels focuses more on the integration of email marketing within the sales funnel process.

While it does offer email automation features through its Follow-Up Funnels (formerly Actionetics), it’s more about driving sales and moving leads through the funnel rather than traditional email marketing.

ClickFunnels allows for basic segmentation and the sending of targeted messages, but it lacks the depth of email marketing features found in GetResponse.

Email Design and Templates

GetResponse offers a wide array of email templates, from newsletters to promotional designs, catering to various industries and occasions.

The drag-and-drop email editor makes it easy for anyone to create visually appealing emails without needing design skills.

The templates are responsive and can be customized to fit your brand’s look and feel.

In contrast, ClickFunnels provides email templates within its funnel builder, emphasizing the alignment of emails with the overall funnel design.

While there are fewer templates specifically for emails compared to GetResponse,

ClickFunnels focuses on integrating email elements seamlessly into the sales process, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints with leads and customers.

Sales Funnel Creation

Funnel Types and Templates

ClickFunnels is renowned for its comprehensive approach to sales funnel creation. It offers a wide variety of funnel types, including lead capture funnels, sales funnels, webinar funnels, and membership site funnels, each designed for different stages of the customer journey.

ClickFunnels provides numerous pre-designed templates for each funnel type, allowing users to quickly set up a new funnel by selecting a template that best fits their needs.

These templates are not only time-savers but are also optimized for conversion, based on proven sales strategies.

GetResponse, traditionally known for its email marketing capabilities, has expanded its offerings to include sales funnel creation, known as conversion funnels.

While GetResponse may not offer as wide a range of funnel types as ClickFunnels, it does provide templates for lead funnels, sales funnels, and webinar funnels.

These templates integrate seamlessly with GetResponse’s email marketing and automation tools, making it easier to nurture leads once they enter your funnel.

Integration with Email Campaigns

The integration of email campaigns within sales funnels is where GetResponse stands out. Given its roots in email marketing, GetResponse allows for deep integration between sales funnels and email automation.

Users can easily add autoresponders, drip campaigns, and targeted email sequences within their sales funnels to nurture leads at every step.

This integration ensures that communication with potential customers remains consistent and personalized, increasing the chances of conversion.

On the other hand, ClickFunnels also offers integration with email campaigns, particularly through its Follow-Up Funnels feature (previously Actionetics).

While this allows for the sending of targeted emails and messages based on user behavior within the funnel, it is considered an advanced feature and requires a higher-tier plan.

ClickFunnels focuses more on the direct sales aspect of the funnel, with email campaigns serving as a support mechanism rather than the core feature.

Landing Page Builder

Customization Options and Templates

GetResponse provides a landing page builder that is known for its ease of use and flexibility. It offers a wide range of customizable templates suitable for various industries and marketing goals.

Users can choose from a collection of pre-designed templates or start from scratch, creating pages that align with their brand identity using the drag-and-drop editor.

GetResponse’s templates are responsive, ensuring that landing pages look great on any device.

In the comparison of GetResponse vs ClickFunnels, ClickFunnels also offers a robust landing page builder within its sales funnel creation tool.

It emphasizes the ability to create seamless sales funnels that include landing pages as a key component.

Like GetResponse, ClickFunnels provides a variety of templates, but with a focus on conversion optimization.

The templates are designed to work within sales funnels to guide visitors towards making a purchase or becoming leads.

Conversion Rate Optimization Features

When it comes to conversion rate optimization (CRO), ClickFunnels stands out with its built-in tools designed specifically for maximizing conversions.

The platform offers features like A/B testing, which allows users to test different versions of their landing pages to see which performs better.

ClickFunnels also includes advanced elements like countdown timers, pop-ups, and direct integration with payment systems to encourage immediate action from visitors.

GetResponse also supports conversion rate optimization through its landing page builder. Users can utilize A/B testing to compare different page variants, analyze performance through detailed analytics, and use pop-ups and forms to increase engagement.

However, the platform’s primary focus remains on integrating these pages within broader email marketing and automation strategies, rather than the sales-oriented approach seen in ClickFunnels.

Automation and Workflow

Comparison of Automation Features

GetResponse offers a comprehensive set of automation features designed primarily for email marketing and audience engagement.

Its automation workflows allow users to create detailed, behavior-based campaigns that trigger specific actions based on user interactions, such as opening an email or visiting a webpage.

This can include sending targeted follow-up emails, tagging subscribers based on their interests, or moving contacts between lists for segmentation purposes.

GetResponse’s visual workflow builder provides a user-friendly interface for mapping out these automation sequences.

ClickFunnels, while not originally designed as an email marketing tool, offers automation within the context of sales funnels.

Its automation capabilities are focused more on guiding leads through the sales process with automated funnel actions like follow-up emails, SMS messaging, and retargeting ads.

While ClickFunnels does offer the Follow-Up Funnels feature (formerly known as Actionetics), which allows for complex automation sequences similar to those in GetResponse, it requires a higher-tier plan and is more focused on integrating with the sales funnel stages rather than standalone email marketing.

Workflow Logic and User Experience

In terms of workflow logic, GetResponse provides a more traditional approach to marketing automation, making it ideal for businesses that rely heavily on email marketing and need granular control over their communication strategies.

The platform’s user experience is designed around building these complex automation sequences with ease, offering templates and predefined scenarios to help users get started quickly.

On the other hand, ClickFunnels’ workflow logic is built around the sales funnel concept, with automation features designed to move leads closer to making a purchase.

The user experience in ClickFunnels is tailored towards visualizing and constructing these sales funnels, with automation as a component of the overall funnel strategy rather than the main focus.

This makes ClickFunnels particularly appealing for businesses that are more sales-oriented and looking to automate their sales processes from lead capture to conversion.

E-commerce Integration

Payment Gateways Supported

In the realm of GetResponse vs ClickFunnels, payment gateway support is a critical factor for seamless transactions.

ClickFunnels excels in this area by offering robust support for various payment gateways, including Stripe, PayPal, and others.

This extensive support enables businesses to accept payments from a wide range of sources, facilitating global transactions and enhancing customer convenience.

GetResponse, while not originally an e-commerce platform, has made strides in integrating e-commerce features into its service offerings.

It supports integration with payment gateways such as Stripe, PayPal, and Square through its conversion funnel feature.

However, the range of payment options may not be as extensive as ClickFunnels, which could be a limiting factor for businesses looking to maximize their payment flexibility.

Product Selling and Upsell Capabilities

ClickFunnels stands out for its upsell and cross-sell functionalities, which are integral to its sales funnel approach.

The platform allows users to easily create one-click upsells, downsells, and order bumps within their sales funnels.

This feature is particularly beneficial for maximizing the average order value and increasing revenue without requiring additional traffic.

On the other hand, GetResponse has incorporated e-commerce solutions that allow users to sell products directly from their landing pages and through conversion funnels.

While it does offer some upsell capabilities, they may not be as comprehensive or as seamlessly integrated into the sales process as those found in ClickFunnels.

GetResponse is more suited for businesses that combine product sales with strong email marketing strategies rather than pure e-commerce functionality.

Analytics and Reporting

Types of Reports Available

In the comparison of GetResponse vs ClickFunnels, GetResponse offers a comprehensive suite of analytics tools designed primarily for email marketing campaigns.

It provides detailed reports on open rates, click-through rates, subscriber growth, and email client statistics.

Additionally, GetResponse extends its analytics to cover webinars, landing pages, and automation workflows, giving users a holistic view of their marketing efforts and audience engagement.

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, focuses more on funnel performance metrics. The platform provides users with detailed reports on funnel conversion rates, page views, and user behavior throughout the sales process.

This includes tracking the performance of individual funnel steps, which can be crucial for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing for better conversions.

While ClickFunnels does offer basic email campaign analytics, its strength lies in funnel-specific reporting.

Insight on Customer Behavior and Funnel Performance

When evaluating GetResponse vs ClickFunnels, it’s essential to consider what insights into customer behavior and funnel performance each platform can provide.

GetResponse allows businesses to track subscriber actions and preferences, enabling more targeted and personalized marketing strategies.

The platform’s analytics can help identify which content resonates best with your audience and which segments are most engaged.

Conversely, ClickFunnels provides in-depth insights into how customers interact with your sales funnels.

It helps you understand where customers drop off, which pages convert best, and how different funnel stages contribute to your overall sales goals.

This level of detail is invaluable for businesses focused on optimizing their sales funnels for maximum efficiency and profitability.

Pricing and Plans

Overview of Pricing Structures

GetResponse offers a variety of pricing plans based on the size of your email list, starting from a basic plan for beginners to more advanced options that include additional features like automation, webinars, and CRM.

The platform provides a flexible pricing model that grows with your business, making it an attractive option for startups and small businesses looking to scale their marketing efforts over time.

ClickFunnels, known for its focus on sales funnels and direct selling, has a simpler pricing structure with two main tiers: the standard ClickFunnels plan and the ClickFunnels Platinum plan.

Each plan offers a set of core features with the Platinum plan providing additional access to advanced functionalities, increased funnel limits, and priority support.

While ClickFunnels tends to be more expensive than GetResponse, it’s tailored toward businesses that require comprehensive funnel-building capabilities.

Additional Costs and Value for Money

When evaluating GetResponse vs ClickFunnels, it’s crucial to consider potential additional costs.

GetResponse’s basic plan covers most email marketing needs, but leveraging the platform’s full potential, including advanced automation and segmentation, may require a higher-tier plan.

Additionally, features like dedicated IP addresses and transactional emails may incur extra charges.

ClickFunnels, while offering extensive funnel-building tools and resources, can also lead to additional costs.

Integrating third-party applications, purchasing premium funnel templates, or accessing advanced training materials can add to the monthly subscription fee.

Moreover, to fully exploit the email marketing capabilities and advanced funnel automation, you might need to subscribe to the higher-tier Platinum plan or invest in third-party email marketing services.

Third-party Integrations

Compatibility with Other Software

GetResponse offers a wide range of third-party integrations, allowing users to connect their email marketing platform with various CRM systems, e-commerce solutions, social media platforms, and other marketing tools.

This compatibility helps users automate workflows, sync data across platforms, and enhance their marketing efforts with additional functionalities.

Popular integrations include Shopify, Salesforce, Magento, WordPress, and many more, enabling businesses to extend the capabilities of their GetResponse account beyond basic email marketing.

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, focuses on providing a comprehensive solution for creating and managing sales funnels.

However, it also supports a variety of third-party integrations to complement its core offerings.

ClickFunnels users can connect their funnels with payment gateways, email marketing services, webinar platforms, and other essential tools to create a cohesive sales process.

Integrations like Stripe, PayPal, Zapier, and ActiveCampaign allow users to streamline their sales funnels and automate key aspects of their sales and marketing strategies.

Extensiveness of the Integration Marketplace

The extensiveness of the integration marketplace is another critical aspect to consider when comparing GetResponse vs ClickFunnels.

GetResponse boasts an extensive marketplace with a broad range of integrations across different categories, making it a versatile platform for businesses with diverse needs.

The platform continuously expands its integration capabilities, ensuring users have the tools necessary to enhance their marketing strategies and improve efficiency.

ClickFunnels provides a focused set of integrations tailored to the needs of funnel builders and online marketers.

While the list may not be as extensive as GetResponse’s, the available integrations are carefully selected to complement the sales funnel creation process.

ClickFunnels emphasizes quality over quantity, ensuring that each integration adds value to the funnel-building and conversion optimization process.

Pros and Cons

When selecting a digital marketing or sales platform, weighing the pros and cons is crucial to making an informed decision.

Here we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of GetResponse and ClickFunnels to help you understand which service might best meet your business needs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of GetResponse


  1. Comprehensive Email Marketing: GetResponse is renowned for its robust email marketing features, including advanced automation, segmentation, and personalization, which are essential for effective communication and engagement with your audience.
  2. Versatility: Offers a range of tools beyond email marketing, such as landing pages, webinars, and conversion funnels, making it a versatile platform for various marketing strategies.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Provides multiple pricing tiers, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, with the option to scale as your business grows.
  4. Ease of Use: Known for its user-friendly interface and straightforward setup, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced marketers.


  1. E-commerce Limitations: While it offers e-commerce integrations, GetResponse might not be as powerful in sales funnel creation and management as dedicated platforms like ClickFunnels.
  2. Limited Sales Funnel Features: Compared to ClickFunnels, GetResponse has fewer features specifically designed for sales funnel optimization and management.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ClickFunnels


  1. Sales Funnel Specialization: ClickFunnels excels in creating and optimizing sales funnels, providing a wide array of funnel types and templates specifically designed to increase conversions and sales.
  2. One-Click Upsells and Downsells: Offers advanced features for maximizing revenue per customer, such as one-click upsells, downsells, and order bumps.
  3. Intuitive Landing Page Builder: Features a drag-and-drop landing page builder that integrates seamlessly with sales funnels, making it easy to create high-converting pages.
  4. Community and Support: Boasts a large and active community along with extensive training resources, helping users maximize their use of the platform.


  1. Higher Price Point: ClickFunnels comes with a higher starting price compared to GetResponse, which might be a barrier for small businesses or those just starting out.
  2. Focus on Sales Funnels: While its focus on sales funnels is a strength, businesses looking for a more comprehensive marketing solution might find ClickFunnels limiting compared to more versatile platforms like GetResponse.
  3. Email Marketing Capabilities: Though it offers email automation, its features may not be as comprehensive as those found in dedicated email marketing platforms like GetResponse.

In the comparison of GetResponse vs ClickFunnels, the choice depends on your specific needs and priorities.

If you’re looking for a cost-effective, all-in-one marketing solution with strong email capabilities, GetResponse could be your best bet.

On the other hand, if your primary focus is on creating and optimizing sales funnels to maximize revenue, ClickFunnels might be the better choice.

Consider your business model, marketing strategy, and budget when deciding between these two platforms.

Final Verdict

When it comes to deciding between GetResponse and ClickFunnels, the choice ultimately hinges on your specific business needs, marketing objectives, and budget constraints.

Both platforms offer robust features that cater to different aspects of online marketing and sales, making the final decision a matter of aligning platform capabilities with your strategic goals.

In the comparison of GetResponse vs ClickFunnels, here’s what you should consider:

If your marketing strategy is heavily centered around email marketing, with a focus on lead nurturing, segmentation, and automation, GetResponse is likely the better choice for you.

It offers a comprehensive suite of email marketing tools combined with additional functionalities like landing pages, webinars, and basic conversion funnels, all at a more budget-friendly price point.

On the other hand, if your primary goal is to create, optimize, and manage sales funnels to convert leads into customers effectively, ClickFunnels stands out as the more suitable option.

It specializes in building high-converting sales funnels, with features designed to guide users through each step of the buyer’s journey.

ClickFunnels is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to maximize their online sales and require advanced funnel-building capabilities.

Both GetResponse and ClickFunnels provide valuable analytics and reporting features, third-party integrations, and varying degrees of customization, which are important for tailoring your marketing and sales efforts to your audience.

The final verdict in the GetResponse vs ClickFunnels debate depends on your marketing priorities:

  • Choose GetResponse if you value comprehensive email marketing integration with your sales funnels, need a more cost-effective solution, and prefer a platform that offers a broader range of marketing tools beyond just funnel creation.
  • Opt for ClickFunnels if your focus is predominantly on creating and optimizing sales funnels, and you are willing to invest in a platform that provides extensive funnel-building features, even if it means a higher cost and a more narrow focus compared to all-inclusive marketing platforms.

Remember, the best choice is the one that aligns with your marketing strategies, helps you achieve your business goals effectively, and offers the best return on investment for your particular situation.